Online Orders

For your convenience, online orders are now available. Please follow this link, select the cuts that you would like to order, and we will contact you with payment, pick-up and delivery options. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Nearly Spring Sale! New Prices for lamb and beef

EGGS $7 / dozen eggs from Organically-raised, Dual-purpose Laying Hens*Ask us about our Egg CSA, to save more than $1/dozen on our normal rate!**Ask us how you can get free eggs!! Eggs are produced by Cadence Ecological Farm, Chi Garden and Flat Earth Farm. Our laying hens are raised organically and fed only certified organic (GMO-free) laying …

Autumn Sunshine

The unseasonably chilly temperatures have lifted, that early snowfall—which last week looked to be sticking around—has all melted, and all of the animals have a renewed desire to enjoy the early morning sunshine… almost like they have a sense that this may be the last such opportunity for four months.