Ontario Public Institutions and
On-site Food Production
Visualizing the Future for Health Care
Phil Mount, Linda Varangu, Brendan Wylie-Toal, Irena Knezevic,
Adeline Cohen, Louise Quenneville and Kat Rendek
January 2017
Report Summary | Project Overview, Media and Reports |
Visioning Sessions | ‘Making the Case’ and Reflections
We wish to thank and acknowledge Samantha Putos for her hard work in helping to compile this report, and Sarah Good for contributing her notes from the Cornwall visioning session.
Images: Unless otherwise indicated, all images and graphics courtesy of Project SOIL.
Project SOIL is funded by the New Directions Research Program, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The authors take responsibility for all opinions expressed in this document. Those opinions may not reflect the opinions of all team members, nor the opinions of the funder, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
Suggested citation:
Mount, P., Varangu, L., Wylie-Toal, B., Knezevic, I., Cohen, A., Quenneville, L., and Rendek, K. (2016). “Ontario Public Institutions and On-site Food Production: Visualizing the future for health care”. Guelph, Ontario: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Available at http://projectsoil.ca/project-reports/